Sunday, April 16, 2006

Take HEED! Pay attention to this project.

Keep your eyes on this project. It will be interesting to see what survivors of the WTC collapses have to say. Take note that this initiative is a British, not American.

HEED is a three year project fully funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the equivalent of the US National Science Foundation, with a budget of £UK1.6 million ($US2.9 million). The project is a collaboration between three UK universities, the Universities of Greenwich, Ulster and Liverpool and brings together the UK’s leading experts in Fire Safety Engineering and evacuation behaviour.

The main objectives of the project include: collect and collate the human actions and experience in the WTC disaster and structure this into a database that will provide an interactive research environment.

The data collection will focus on the two towers. As part of this project it is anticipated that some 2000 survivors from the WTC collapse will be interviewed.


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